My Mission

If I am not creating and expanding then I am not me.  My mission is to see and experience things that expand my mind, feed healthy emotions, and move me forward in some way.  Whether it is through my art, writing, or the coaching and development company I run with my daughter, it’s an immersive experience that I'm striving for.  Sharing or creating those experiences for others is what brings me joy. 

Say Hello

Here is my motivation to write books.  My family!  They inspire me every day. 
I have named one of the characters in the Sophie Series after each of my grandchildren.  In the first book, "Sophie Wears Someone Else's Shoes" the hedgehog character is named after our oldest grandchild Mackenna. The second book, "Sophie and the Stream" has a deer character named after our second oldest grandchild Zoë.  The third book in the series "Sophie Tries Again" has a bear character named after our 3rd grandchild, Lochlan.