Stories that teach kids and parents
Need some tips for helping your child with self-esteem or communication? Maybe you want to help them stay calm or deal with disappointment.
See how Sophie and her friends can help.
Learn and grow with the Sophie Series
The Sophie Series is a labor of love that flourished during 2020 and the global pandemic. There was time to focus on something I had wanted to do for a long time. Write children's picture books that are fun and easy to read and give kids and their parents an opportunity to discuss what the characters experienced and how they may relate to their own experiences. As a certified coach, I want to offer tools for parents to deepen the conversations with their kids and maybe even get some new perspectives themselves.
The Sophie series is written to help children learn to manage their emotions when dealing with a life's challenges.
Each book follows Sophie and her friends through common situations that may trip them up.
In addition to Mr. Owliver's questions at the end of each book, this section digs a bit deeper to give parents some additional insights and tools.
About the Author
Pam Burgess lives with her husband on an inland lake in Michigan.
She has been immersed in the arts throughout her life. She holds a BA in Communication with a minor in Theater and Art. Pam’s 22-year career in corporate Talent Management gave her rich global experience as a facilitator and a coach. She enjoys working in her art studio, going to the theater, traveling, and spending time in Raleigh, NC with her kids and grandchildren. Lifelong learning is her passion, and finding new ways to learn and grow is her journey.
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